New Page on CGI-Clinics Website Highlights Ethical Patient Involvement

CGI-Clinics has launched a new ethics webpage dedicated to explaining how patients are involved in its groundbreaking research and the ethical measures in place to protect their data and rights.
As a key part of the CGI-Clinics project, patients contribute by sharing their experiences, providing data, and reviewing tools that improve cancer genome interpretation. The new webpage details these contributions and emphasises the project’s commitment to safeguarding sensitive information in compliance with GDPR regulations.
Visitors can explore information on how CGI-Clinics ensures ethical research practices, the role of patient advisory boards, and how findings are shared with both the scientific community and the public. The page also introduces upcoming steps, including the integration of patient perspectives into virtual Molecular Tumour Boards (vMTBs).
Stay updated on the latest research and patient involvement by visiting the new webpage and subscribing to the CGI-Clinics newsletter.