Facts & figures

The three main hurdles facing the interpretation of tumour genomes and the solutions proposed in the project.

  • Non-systematic interpretation
  • Variants of unknown significance
  • Patients unengaged

General schematics of the use of CGI in patients’ tumour interpretation within CGI-Clinics. Briefly, after the patient is diagnosed a tumour sample or liquid biopsy is taken; its DNA is sequenced providing a list of genomic alterations in tumour cells. These alterations are automatically interpreted by CGI, which generates a report for the oncologist. In cases less clear, CGI organizes Virtual Tumour Boards to get further feedback from experts. CGI also provides patient-specific information grounded on scientific evidence to the patient through eduCGI.

By using CGI, patient’s data is one click away to be shared in a secure way for the benefit of future patients